Film Funnies by TODCRA Productions
The News Post Archive [goes in reverse order.. old stuff at the bottom.]
July 29, 2001 -- Wow. Been a _real_ while since this has been updated. The comic book is _finally_ finished. Which is good. Now, we're about to finish up the Remastered Miniseries (AWOL) any day now, and after that, we've got the first Exquisite Corpse comic coming at you, between three of the TODCRA artists. After that, we've got a neato-torpedo surprise for you for a few weeks, then we've got another Corpse for you that we just finished last night, and it's the best one we've done so far, so that'll be coming up, sometime in, oh, late September/early October. Maybe November, it depends on how much stuff we've got in the queue before it.

Also, we've gone seven days a week! The Saturday strip isn't "Joe the Baby Eater" as originally planned, but instead, a look at various artworks and other odds and ends. RoboDogZ is still continuing as planned, and uh, yeah.

New fan art, up at Exploitation Now. Poe hasn't mentioned it yet, but he's got a lot of new stuff in there, so just poke around the Fan Art archives, and it's there near the bottom. Higher up is the older piece of fan art, so do yerself a favor and check out both.

Apparently, Keenspace has been upgrading their servers, and as such, some of the comics have had a bit of trouble updating. We're sorry for that, but everything should be fixed now, and it should go even faster and better than even before, so yeah.

New comics to look for: OWLIE and President ASS! by Mike Leffel and Bob Scott. OWLIE's been going for a little while after premiering at Fat Jesus during the off-season (which is now over! Hooray! Go and check it NOW!!! NOW!!!), and President ASS! will premiere pretty soon with new ones, and for the time being (which should end at about the time you read this, apparently) is showing old ones from the past. And it's important to note that President ASS! is _NOT_ based on Bush -- as the old ones show, it was concieved of long ago, but just delayed until now. So, don't think it's "Oh, it's just something saying Bush is stupid. Even though he _is_ stupid. Painfully so. And blah blah election scam blah blah evil blah blah." Which, well, you're part right. Just the bit that's wrong is the bit that's saying the strip is about how Bush is stupid.

Also, if you're not watching Invader ZIM, what the HELL is wrong with you? It airs Friday, 9pm on Nickelodeon. And whenever else Nickelodeon gets bored enough to show it. Which isn't nearly enough, seeing as Nick seems intent on killing the show, even though it's the best thing they have ever aired, with the possible exception of Spongebob Squarepants, another surreal bit o' genius.

Hmm... that should be about everything. If anyone has the remastered miniseries, the one with the text translating the handwriting, please email us, Thanks.

-- TODCRA Productions

March 25, 2001 -- Well, in theory, the Comic Book was going to be done by now, but we had a bit of technical difficulties, so right now it's in Intermission still, and will hopefully be back to finish out the strip by next Monday. Of course, if it isn't, we'll put up some more filler -- that's one of our pet peeves is when a cartoonist has a week off, but doesn't bother to put anything in there to fill up space. Every day (Other than Saturday) we WILL have stuff up, whether or not it is the actual comic remains to be seen, but there will be some sort of content. We're not little bitches like that.

Also, speaking of content, THE MAIN SITE IS BACK! _AND_ we got rid of that bug so you no longer need the final slash after "todcra" on our URL. Right now, the stuff is about a year old, but we're working on updating the content. So, if you're new to TODCRA, you can go page through all the old stuff, and that should take up enough time that by the time you finish, we'll have new stuff up. Which is good.

And speaking of which, at the TODCRA offices, we decided to take a look at some of the other TODCRA shirts from And, boy, were we disappointed. If you want a TODCRA shirt, the only one that's any good is the classic shirt. Do NOT waste your money on any of the other ones, they all look like shit. They came back too dark, and there were some errors in the way the artwork was reproduced, and they were just godawful. So, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. We've sent them back and are currently waiting on our refund check. That, and Cafepress raised their prices, not to mention that they ream you on shipping (but they've always done that), so really, don't bother, seriously. If there turns out to be another Shirt-Makin' Type Place, we'll do it, because, y'know, shirts are cool. Everyone here at TODCRA Productions likes shirts and the like. So, if there turns out to be any cool places you know of that don't totally suck, EMAIL US. Especially if they can do black shirts.

Also, you may have seen our guest stuff at Exploitation Now and Avalon... we're glad they put the stuff up, and we've bren working on some other stuff, including a bit of fan art for one of the best strips ever, Diesel Sweeties. It's yet to actually appear there, but hopefully it will in the future. Even if they never put it up, they're still awesome.

RoboDogZ is continuing as normal, which is good. That'll probably never run out, at least for a damned long time.

Y'know, if anyone wants to send us Fan Art or whatever, we'll put it up every Saturday. We'll just throw them in the queue as they come in. So just send us artwerk at our account, and we'll throw it up. If you have a name/email address/link/whatever, include it in the image, like in the actual picture itself, like one of those stamps all the porno sites do, because we're not gonna update the main page each goddamn time, because we've all got better stuff to do. That and the news rants aren't terribly frequent, do you _REALLY_ want to wait until then to get the credit where your credit's due? And we give our word we will not crop or edit the image in anyway, save the possibilty of making the filesize smaller, but that won't be by changing the image in anyway, other than, say, knocking the resolution down or something. Yeah.

So, uh, anyway, Fan Art, Intermission Continues, Cafepress Sucks Ass, Guest Art for Cool People... I think that's about it. We did do a short thing for Road Waffles that we never got around to sending in.. and I can't even remember if we finished it, actually, so hey. At least one strip exists of it. Maybe we'll put it up here or send it to 8 or something. At any rate, you may or may not see it. Whatever. It'll probably resurface SOMEWHERE SOMETIME...

-- TODCRA Productions

January 13, 2001 -- Not a really big update, this is mainly just to clean up a few of the links on top here. This story of RoboDogZ is wrapping up and there'll be a new story in the next few weeks here. Same with the Comic Book, but it's got much longer to go. Including a few really big last few panels that are Art Blowouts.

Little bit of other news.. there's going to be a new EP or Album up pretty soon at, probably by the end of the month, of various cover songs, manipulated to get past's stringent rules about that sort of thing. Then after that, another full length album to be sure, probably a capella, but there's been a lot of aborted projects, so it's hard to say at this point in time. Also, with any luck the site will be back up within the month! Probably won't be any brand new material there, but it's been gone so long, everything'll look new anyway, so it'll be ok! Funny how that works. And, well, may as well mention the shirts again, just so you don't have to scroll too far to give us money. The shirts have actually been fixed up since the last posting, so, hey. Especially of note is the Clones shirt, which no longer has a sucky tiny image. All hail evil lord Photoshop for that one.

  • Classic Shirt
  • Meet the TODCRA Productions Cover Shirt
  • Meet the Playing Card Cover Shirt
  • Erektlonika Cover Shirt
  • "Clones: Grow Your Own, Can Your Own" Shirt
  • Dog On Fire Cover Shirt Links for all-non-classic shirts removed because they look like shit
Ugh, that's enough. Nothing really to say. GUN. Possibly look for a Guest Sunday at Avalon at some point... the TODCRA one hasn't even been started, and there's no promise he'd put it up anyway, so hey.

-- TODCRA Productions

December 31, 2000 -- Merry Xistmas or whatever you wanna celebrate. Right now, we're full on into the Film Funnies comic book, which'll wrap up sometime in February or so. Maybe later... later'd be good, but then after that will be the edited version of the miniseries, and then probably back to normal, unless some other gimmick comes to mind. A new RoboDogZ series was also completed recently, shooting that into June or July. That's the nice thing about Film Funnies and related -- unlike other strips, we're updated until the very near future. Heh... maybe next will be a remastered version of the comic book. Oh, that'd be fun.

By the way, in case you cared, the snippet of lyrics from Dec. 14th and Dec 15th's comics was from "She's Your Baby" by Ween, from their new-ish album White Pepper. Definately recommend that one, but you probably got that from the fact that TODCRAP appears on the a.m.ween compilations rather frequently, like the Xmas one that ended up not really happening, since there were only two tracks submitted. They did put up the two songs for download, so if you want to hear the TODCRAP version of "Santa Dog '92", you can go to the link in the previous newspost, reprinted here: Brown Christmas.

In other generic-TODCRA news, our main site will be back up in the very near future, at All or most of the files were recovered; hopefully nothing was lost, but if so, that'd probably be pretty easy to recover, since it's so new, and un-formatted copies of the material is probably kicking around. Also, we might actually get the new shirt stuff up, but if you want to look at it right now, the websites are:

  • Classic Shirt
  • Meet the TODCRA Productions Cover Shirt
  • Meet the Playing Card Cover Shirt
  • Erektlonika Cover Shirt
  • "Clones: Grow Your Own, Can Your Own" Shirt
  • Dog On Fire Cover Shirt Links for all-non-classic shirts removed because they look like shit
And of course, there's coffee cups and mousepads at all the stores, too. It's just easier to type "shirt", especially since that's most likely the thing people would want most, presuming they want anything, which they almost certainly don't. Eventually, there'll be some big nice page where you can see everything at once and all, but for right now, this'll have to do.

May as well also mention some bitchen links, surprisingly, mainly fellow Keenspace comics! First one is Fat Jesus by Mike Leffel. Sometimes it's color, sometimes it's not, but it always has a morbidly obese pseudo-saviour. And you really can't go wrong with that. Even if you tried. Next is Floating Henry Rollins Head Haiku, which is possibly/probably Keenspace, seems to have stopped being Haiku for the time being, opting for Limericks instead, and may or may not be alive after today, but it DOES feature Henry Rollins' head. Hooray! If you've been frequenting the Film Funnies Forum, you've probably seen these mentioned in .sig files, but they're worth mentioning anyway, since it appears no one checks out said forums, because hardly anyone posts there... it IS checked every day, though, usually more than once. But anyway, the comics in question are: J-Walkin' and Comicollage. Check both of them out, they're amusing and innovative and all that kinda crap. They're cool. Also, it appears a few Keenspot comics that should have been listed aren't, so here they go (even though you've almost certainly already know of their existence, but what the fuck): Road Waffles and Avalon. They're both Canadian, but they're actually surprisingly good... they're like the odd John Candy of comic strips -- John Candy, of course, being a Canadian who could overcome his Canadianosity to become one of the best fucking comedic actors the world has ever known. So, uh, yeah. Not everything from Canada sucks ass, just 99.9% of it. Also, Eagle-DNA is pretty cool, too, and is not Canadian. Ditto with Tsuduku. And The Best Comic In The World, EVER doesn't even really need to be mentioned here. So, if Keenspace people even get to vote on which ones are next to move to Keenspot, the TODCRA Productions party line goes to these ones mentioned (especially Fat Jesus, but any would work!).

Anyway, that's about it. Also dig the new newsbox on the side here. It's pretty hard to miss though. Until next time... possibly next month, whatever.

-- TODCRA Productions

November 3, 2000 -- Welp. Hooray for backpedaling newsposts. Still no Saturday comic planned. The full comic's gonna be on in about a month, give or take, probably around Thanksgiving US. Right now, it's the Original Cut of the Miniseries. And well, since the edited version was also rejected, that's going to be coming up here too, but that'll be in a long while. Like some time 2001. Probably first quarter, but maybe beginning of second. And that's probably the end of the TODCRA Productions miniseries efforts. Perhaps again in the future, probably not.

Also, the Film Funnies Glitch may be down. The link will stay, however, just in case it was just down for that one day, and is back. Check it out -- if it still exists, it's pretty fucken sweet.

Oh yeah, check out the Pixies. They rock. Especially Doolittle or At the BBC... "Debaser" from the former is cool because it can be reduced to a two word phrase that appears here very often, mainly "Bunuel Rocks". Penny Arcade had an mp3 of it a while ago. It should be in their news archives about a week or two back. Or just go on your local Napster-like, whatever.

Oh yeah, be on the look out for the new TODCRA Productions track on the upcoming Brown Christmas CD compilation. Contrary to what the page says (mainly cause they haven't been informed, since this was sort of a last minute decision), the track will be "Santa Dog '92" by the Residents, instead of "Christmas At Ground Zero" by "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Anyway, here's yer fucken not-really-monthly news post. Asshole.

-- TODCRA Productions

September 30, 2000 -- Wow, long time without updating, eh? At least the comics have come in consistently. Turns out that the plans for the Saturday "Joe the Baby Eater" strip fell through, so that's not gonna happen. RoboDogZ is still up, and right now, it's going through to February, and there's going to be more... much more. Old time Actor Week just ended, and we're pretty sure the Full Comic is going to show up October 20th, or so, give or take a week. There's also going to be a Miniseries very soon.. at the request of the maintainer, it was edited, so sometime in the far future (like after the comic book), we'll have the Original Version Here. Not a _lot_ of differences, but enough to be interesting, maybe.

Oh yeah, check out the Film Funnies Glitch by Lazy. It's pretty cool. And "Lazy" is his pseudonym, not an adjective.... well, it's an adjective as well, but not describing the artist.

Currently, our main site is down, but we're working on the problem.. unfortunately, we changed machines and lost everything... so if you're one of those obsessive types who saves everything, PLEASE email us ASAP. The rants and some of the minirants have been accounted for... maybe a little bit of the artwerk, too. Our site is still up, and be on the lookout for a new record in the next week or so.. we're just finalizing the art right now. It's the first in a series of Spoken Word recordings dealing with the, well, batshit insane. So, "Trouser Snake Vol. 1: This Album Is Clean" will hopefully be up, with any luck, by Friday, October..7th? 8th? Whatever Friday is.

Also got a few new things for the site, like a poll and a dropdown deal. Might change the poll every so often [Actually, the poll will be a little later -- the poll people are all like "uh, no, we're out of room". So that'll have to wait. Sorry.]. That'd be cool. Dropdowns allow you to check out the other fine comics on Keenspace, much like you can do on Keenspot. Which is a really good idea, seeing as that's how we've come across lots of cool comics, like ? and Hound's Home. So check them out. They rock. Anyway, continue being on the lookout for new comics and upcoming stuff at Film Funnies. And hopefully there's not gonna be a long pause between updates again.

-- TODCRA Productions

August 1, 2000 -- We've had a real influx of new people, recently, so uh, if you're still out there, hey. Make your presence (in the future) known on the forum, whydon'tcha?

Anyway, the reason why there's a new news post is that the new KeenSpace Promotional Item deal is up, and it's the Ice Breaker, an apt name since most of the Keenspace comics are pretty much brand new, so it's good to get the whole introductions out of the way, eh? Anyway, there's three, count 'em, three contributions from Film Funnies up there, so check it totally out. It's pretty cool, and you get to see the buxom and beautiful Leni Riefenstahl in a form-fitting sweater. Can't knock that.

Maybe it'd be cool if we started doing song lyrics at the end of each news post like Penny Arcade does. Not sure, cause then Tycho and Gabe'd probably kick the crap out of our anonymous asses. They've gots the powerz. Course, they're both really nice from their emails, but hey.

Shouldn't really plug the main site, but, well, whatever. There's a new update there with a bunch of new crap up there, so check it totally out.

We're not sure when the new Saturday comic, tenatively titled "Joe the Baby Eater" will be going up, but we're pretty sure it's gonna be soon. And we all like soon, don't we? Anyway, RoboDogZ's been started off like the huge juggernaut that it is, and it'll be picking up steam soon. Each story's about 14 weeks long, give or take. Maybe a little less, like maybe 10.

And on Film Funnies news, work has begun on a brand new project that will air no matter what, even if it's not finished. It harkens a new style that some may find interesting -- will it be that way forever? Probably not, but it will be a nice change of pace, won't it? But that's not gonna be for a while. Late October at the very earliest. And we're don't know if it'll be by then even. It's still in the drawing/writing/planning changes, and well, hope you like it. It's just another Thing To Be On The Lookout For here at Film Funnies. Because we care about YOU, the viewer.

Anyway, when you're not checking out Film Funnies and other TODCRA related stuff, check out the art of Winston Smith. Some of you may recognise his name from the Dead Kennedys records or from some Subgenius propaganda, but if you haven't heard of him yet, do yourself a favor and check him out. He rocks. Hell, his art is the only reason to purchase Jello Biafra's "If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve" spoken word set. Seriously.

-- TODCRA Productions

July 24, 2000 -- Whoa, two news posts in 5 days! Anyway, as mentioned before, the forum's up, and we've been having some activity, so don't be shy, go and post and someone WILL read it. So check it totally out.

Also, SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY, the NEW weekend supplemental strip shall appear! It is entitled "RoboDogZ" and it will appear EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY. Until the END OF TIME. Currently, it's up until February, so hey. The first 15 weeks have been previously debuted on the main TODCRA site, but as not to compete, they've been removed, so NOW, the only place to see the two Robodog stories will be here, oozed out One Page At A Time. But after that (which shall be some time in November for those of you who've already READ the Robodog stories), there will be BRAND NEW RoboDogZ! Never released before! And stories after that will be ALSO Brand NEW! Not Even Written Yet! Yeah! Whee! New ROBODOG!!!! He is your new messiah! HAIL ROBODOG!!!!!

That, and the new story's also a spoiler, but yeah, we're not gonna say for what. Because that's also a spoiler, really.

But you'll probably know. What it is. And then we're gonna laugh.


And the new strip, tenatively titled "Joe, The Baby Eater" shall run Saturdays starting really soon. We can't tell you when, exactly -- it's been going through stages of retooling, but VERY SOON... VERY VERY soon, in fact, the Film Funnies Site will have NEW CONTENT EVERY SINGLE DAY. Unlike OTHER certain strips.

-- TODCRA Productions

July 20, 2000 -- HOORAY! We just got email from the fine folks at Keenspace, and the archives are now working... seems we screwed up and put the wrong file name for the archives. So, yes, it was 100% our fault, so send us the hate mail. We're sorry. And we're sorry to Keenspace, too, that they had to go and fix our stupid mistake. So yeah. We suck. Sorry.

On good news -- we've got a brand new forum! That's where you can go and post whatever you feel like! About the strip or not! We don't care! And we'll post too, but it'll be more about stuff that has nothing to do with the comic, like things that are totally rockin, like the new DEVO rarities set from RhinoHandMade, Recombo DNA. That's been played over and over since it arrived. It's well worth the 45 bucks. It's totally rockin. But look for more stuff like that at the forum!!

More good news! There will be a new comic on Saturdays! It's going to start some point in the very near future! (maybe this week? Only time will tell!) We can't tell you exactly what it's going to be about but it will be a departure from the standard Film Funnies fare. So, yes, Monday-Friday: Film Funnies! Saturdays: Joe, The Baby Eater! Sundays: We're Working On It! No slouches we! We are working to become your juggernaut of daily comic humor! We're expanding! We're working on making a new day for even MORE comics! And it's all available right HERE! HERE at!

All hail Keenspace! And seriously, we're not one for plugging stuff, but if you wanna have a comic, give them a look, eh? They're friendly and cool and everything. They don't suck! And they provide a bunch of stuff! And for what? AND FOR WHAT?! NOTHING. NOTHING. They only ask that you place their banner ad on your pages. And it's small. And it doesn't pop up. It's not too shabby. Look into it, spuds.

-- TODCRA Productions

July 11, 2000 -- Well, by now, you've seen the first couple of strips! We're hoping that you enjoy them and will continue to check back... There've been a new rash of new comics being made, and we're probably up to sometime in October now, with a couple of upcoming specials, and a new Friday Feature, starting September 15th (Probably -- either that or the next week -- it's kinda hard to guess like that)! Anyway, after uploading this, we noted a major flaw -- we forgot the contact email address -- sure, it's on the main TODCRA site, but it'd be nice to have it readily available, don't you think? So, now you can see the link to our address right under the daily comic -- or, you can contact us manually at We'd like to promise a response, but well, we're not going to right now, because sure, NOW it'll be slow, but as word of mouth goes around, who knows how much mail we'll get. Also, we may do a fan mail section later, depending on how we feel/how much mail we get -- so if you DON'T want us to post the message or you don't mind if we post, as long as it's anonymous, be sure to mention that in the email -- default is Postable With Name/Email.

Anyway, not much else to say. For more TODCRA related stuff, be sure to check our website at or our music releases at BTW, for the Danger U. site, you need the final slash. Or you can just use, which is easier to remember, but gives you a nasty popup ad.

Suppose we should probably thank the IMDB too. So, uh, thanks. Yeah.

-- TODCRA Productions

July 7, 2000 -- Welcome to the TODCRA Productions comic strip, "Film Funnies". You're probably familiar with our music at, but now you can view our contributions to the comic world, sure to be revolutionary and innovative. Unfortunately, there's nothing there yet, but check back on MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2000 for a brand new, and FIRST episode of Film Funnies. The strip will run Monday-Friday, and currently there are ~9 weeks finished, and there are always more being created. Currently, we're set up till September 8th. But will we stop makin' them? NO WAY. Not until we're set up through -- dude, ass on TV!

-- TODCRA Productions

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FEB Mar 2003 APR
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MAR Apr 2003 MAY
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APR May 2003 JUN
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MAY Jun 2003 JUL
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JUN Jul 2003 AUG
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JUL Aug 2003 SEP
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AUG Sep 2003 OCT
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SEP Oct 2003 NOV
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OCT Nov 2003 DEC
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NOV Dec 2003 JAN
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DEC Jan 2004 FEB
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JAN Feb 2004 MAR
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FEB Mar 2004 APR
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MAR Apr 2004 MAY
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APR May 2004 JUN
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MAY Jun 2004 JUL
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JUN Jul 2004 AUG
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JUL Aug 2004 SEP
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AUG Sep 2004 OCT
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SEP Oct 2004
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